
Building 21st century competencies



We live in a fast-moving and ever-evolving time. A report authored by the Institute For The Future (IFTF) and a panel of 20 tech, business and academic experts from around the world states that 85 per cent of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. As so, a significant change in education is not only necessary but also urgent and conceived in ways where we can prepare our students for a world we do not yet know. Mainly, a trend is set where schools in the 21st century are no longer seen as a huge information conveying system, but as a competence building system, where students acquire a diverse set of competencies that will allow them to become active and productive citizens of the future.

At the core of many different sets of 21st-century competencies acknowledge by up-to-date educational literature, one can find the 4Cs: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity. These will lay the basis for this project.
On the other hand, when building our future, we must be aware of our past. That claims for a critical knowledge of our cultural heritage, where we will find answers and solutions to the problems History challenged our ancestors with.

Combining both Past and Future, the objectives of this project are to bring students closer to the common cultural heritage of Europe, through a wide and diverse set of activities thought to build in our students’ core competencies for the 21st century, namely the 4 Cs.

Our Team

EREA de Rennes
2nd Experimental School of Athens
Młodzieżowy Ośrodek Wychowawczy
EBI Francisco Ferreira Drummond


TPM 1 / LTTA 1 - Poland - November 2018

LTTA 2 - Greece - March 2019

TPM 2 - Portugal - June 2019

LTTA 3 - France - November 2019

LTTA 4 - Portugal - May 2020

Climate Changes vs Today's Life Styles:

a new challenge for European youth



In spite of being an up-to-date subject in schools around Europe nowadays, climate change is not something pupils are aware of in their everyday lives, nor the social changes they entail. Children need to be taught about it – and that’s what science teachers, geography teachers, biology teachers, history teachers all around Europe are trying to do.
But it will certainly be much more relevant to pupils if they can measure climate change themselves, if they can compare results from all over Europe and come up – with their teachers help – with ways to cope with it, identifying real impacts of climate change on a day to day activities.

 To be able to do that, our pupils must be ready to deal with climate labs or meteorological stations in a scientific way and teachers must be prepared for the challenges of hands-on science teaching. Another way of stating the same ideas is to say that curriculum knowledge about climate change has to be relevant to our students. Teachers should be able to convey it through experimental activities that both appeal to the common experience of the students and foster scientific attitudes towards the world and their future experience.

Our Team

Prienu "Azuolo" Progimnazija
Collège Edgar Quinet
EBI Francisco Ferreira Drummond
Gymnasium Neue Oberschule
ZSP w Nowinach
Scuola"Ettore Romagnoli"


TPM 1 - Germany - October 2015

TPM 2 - Portugal - September 2016

LTTA 1 - Poland - February 2016

LTTA 2 - Italy - May 2016

LTTA 3 - Lithuania - November 2016

LTTA 4 - Germany - March 2017

TPM 4- France - May 2017

Learning by Doing (LBD)




On the 21st Century, Education must be seen in a different way. The Learning Process should be relevant and practical, not just passive and theoretical. To prepare students for the future is extremely important to develop their creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.  The target groups will be students from ages 6 to 10/11 years old. Our students will learn by doing different things in our surroundings, in forests, on beaches, in parks, in all kind of environments near us. We are not going to stay inside schools, but we are going out of our schools. We are going to use active, diverse learning methods, where the main focus is the students’ participation. In teaching, learning and documentation we will use ICT technology as much as possible. Today, we live in a technology and media-suffused environment with access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools, and the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. That’s what the project will be run internationally.

Our Team

Szkoła Podstawowa
Stockwell Primary School
EBI Francisco Ferreira Drummond
Scoala Gimnaziala Rachita
Istituto Comprensivo Don Roberto Angeli
Sammalselän koulu


TPM - Romania - January 2019

LTTA 1 - Finland - March 2019

T&T - Teaching and Technology for European Students

LTTA 2 - Portugal - June 2019

Leadership - Taking groups outdoors

LTTA 3 - Poland - October 2019

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineers and Mathematics

LTTA 4 - Italy - May 2021 - Virtually Mobility due to Covid Situation Inclusion on disadvantaged groups

Inclusion activities

English Language Day

Unesco World Heritage

Fauna and Flora book

TPM 2- London - July 2021

Virtually Mobility due to Covid Situation





The project joins six schools from six countries: Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Iceland, Romania, Greece. They are joined by an interest in environmental issues. They are experienced in international cooperation, in Erasmus+. All schools are of a similar character – smaller schools active in international cooperation and project work. The partner schools are extended to extreme positions of the territory of the European Union. From the north of Iceland to the ocean surrounding the Azores. From the inland position of the Czech Republic and Romania to coastal France and Greece. This offers a unique opportunity to compare their environment.
     Our project deals with the idea of water, its importance, and the necessity to protect it. Our objective is to promote students’ awareness of this issue that is becoming more and more important in our life. We want to reach this objective by implementing activities focused on this topic. By working on the theme of water we will learn about it from different points of view: its characteristics, its occurrence, its importance for life, its role in the countryside, the ways to protect it, etc. We will learn the facts and work with them in a creative way.
     The project will develop a positive attitude toward science, experiments, exploring.
     The students will learn about the relationship between humans and nature and develop a better understanding of their personal power to influence things. The project will not include just theory but also very concrete activities helping the environment.
     The other very important objective of the project is international cooperation. Children will experience cooperation and communication with people from different countries. The project will also improve communication skills in real situations. It will show the importance of the English language as an international language and raise the motivation for learning English.
     Mobilities make a very important part of the project. The experience of contact with a foreign country as a guest as well as a host is irreplaceable. The meetings will take place in each partner school. Some meetings will consist of student exchanges together with teacher training events, some of them just of student exchanges. During the meetings, we will implement the project activities. Teacher training events will be focused on experiments, implementing environmental education, sharing the experience with methodology, experiencing different climates, environment, and environmental issues.
     Children will have the opportunity to feel team spirit, cooperate. Even if not all pupils can take part in the student exchanges they will profit from hosting children from partner schools. The project work will increase the ICT knowledge and skills. Children will use a blog and e-Twinning for their communication. Children will experience group work, project work.
     The cooperation will also involve the families and the local community in school life. It will help to fight xenophobia. It will raise tolerance through learning about other cultures.
     The project will help the involved teachers not only to increase their qualifications but also to raise their motivation for work and fight against burnout.

Our Team

Zakladni skola a materska skola, Okna, okres Ceska Lipa, prispevkova organizace
Scoala Gimnaziala Vama Buzaului
EBI Francisco Ferreira Drummond
Ecole primaire Le Clos Perine
Oloimero Dimotiko Sxoleio Diomideias Xanthis

Coordination: Czech Republic






The project joins six schools from six countries: Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Iceland, Romania, Greece. They are joined by an interest in environmental issues. They are experienced in international cooperation, in Erasmus+. All schools are of a similar character – smaller schools active in international cooperation and project work. The partner schools are extended to extreme positions of the territory of the European Union. From the north of Iceland to the ocean surrounding the Azores. From the inland position of the Czech Republic and Romania to coastal France and Greece. This offers a unique opportunity to compare their environment.
     Our project deals with the idea of water, its importance, and the necessity to protect it. Our objective is to promote students’ awareness of this issue that is becoming more and more important in our life. We want to reach this objective by implementing activities focused on this topic. By working on the theme of water we will learn about it from different points of view: its characteristics, its occurrence, its importance for life, its role in the countryside, the ways to protect it, etc. We will learn the facts and work with them in a creative way.
     The project will develop a positive attitude toward science, experiments, exploring.
     The students will learn about the relationship between humans and nature and develop a better understanding of their personal power to influence things. The project will not include just theory but also very concrete activities helping the environment.
     The other very important objective of the project is international cooperation. Children will experience cooperation and communication with people from different countries. The project will also improve communication skills in real situations. It will show the importance of the English language as an international language and raise the motivation for learning English.
     Mobilities make a very important part of the project. The experience of contact with a foreign country as a guest as well as a host is irreplaceable. The meetings will take place in each partner school. Some meetings will consist of student exchanges together with teacher training events, some of them just of student exchanges. During the meetings, we will implement the project activities. Teacher training events will be focused on experiments, implementing environmental education, sharing the experience with methodology, experiencing different climates, environment, and environmental issues.
     Children will have the opportunity to feel team spirit, cooperate. Even if not all pupils can take part in the student exchanges they will profit from hosting children from partner schools. The project work will increase the ICT knowledge and skills. Children will use a blog and e-Twinning for their communication. Children will experience group work, project work.
     The cooperation will also involve the families and the local community in school life. It will help to fight xenophobia. It will raise tolerance through learning about other cultures.
     The project will help the involved teachers not only to increase their qualifications but also to raise their motivation for work and fight against burnout.

Our Team

Zakladni skola a materska skola, Okna, okres Ceska Lipa, prispevkova organizace
Scoala Gimnaziala Vama Buzaului
EBI Francisco Ferreira Drummond
Ecole primaire Le Clos Perine
Oloimero Dimotiko Sxoleio Diomideias Xanthis

Coordination: Czech Republic






The project joins six schools from six countries: Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Iceland, Romania, Greece. They are joined by an interest in environmental issues. They are experienced in international cooperation, in Erasmus+. All schools are of a similar character – smaller schools active in international cooperation and project work. The partner schools are extended to extreme positions of the territory of the European Union. From the north of Iceland to the ocean surrounding the Azores. From the inland position of the Czech Republic and Romania to coastal France and Greece. This offers a unique opportunity to compare their environment.
     Our project deals with the idea of water, its importance, and the necessity to protect it. Our objective is to promote students’ awareness of this issue that is becoming more and more important in our life. We want to reach this objective by implementing activities focused on this topic. By working on the theme of water we will learn about it from different points of view: its characteristics, its occurrence, its importance for life, its role in the countryside, the ways to protect it, etc. We will learn the facts and work with them in a creative way.
     The project will develop a positive attitude toward science, experiments, exploring.
     The students will learn about the relationship between humans and nature and develop a better understanding of their personal power to influence things. The project will not include just theory but also very concrete activities helping the environment.
     The other very important objective of the project is international cooperation. Children will experience cooperation and communication with people from different countries. The project will also improve communication skills in real situations. It will show the importance of the English language as an international language and raise the motivation for learning English.
     Mobilities make a very important part of the project. The experience of contact with a foreign country as a guest as well as a host is irreplaceable. The meetings will take place in each partner school. Some meetings will consist of student exchanges together with teacher training events, some of them just of student exchanges. During the meetings, we will implement the project activities. Teacher training events will be focused on experiments, implementing environmental education, sharing the experience with methodology, experiencing different climates, environment, and environmental issues.
     Children will have the opportunity to feel team spirit, cooperate. Even if not all pupils can take part in the student exchanges they will profit from hosting children from partner schools. The project work will increase the ICT knowledge and skills. Children will use a blog and e-Twinning for their communication. Children will experience group work, project work.
     The cooperation will also involve the families and the local community in school life. It will help to fight xenophobia. It will raise tolerance through learning about other cultures.
     The project will help the involved teachers not only to increase their qualifications but also to raise their motivation for work and fight against burnout.

Our Team

Zakladni skola a materska skola, Okna, okres Ceska Lipa, prispevkova organizace
Scoala Gimnaziala Vama Buzaului
EBI Francisco Ferreira Drummond
Ecole primaire Le Clos Perine
Oloimero Dimotiko Sxoleio Diomideias Xanthis

Coordination: Czech Republic