Erasmus EBI FFD – Ação – Chave 2
Início » Erasmus EBI FFD – Ação – Chave 2
Ação Chave 2
A Ação Chave 2 assenta na cooperação para a inovação e boas práticas. O pressuposto é o de que escolas e outras organizações podem trabalhar em conjunto para melhorar a sua oferta educativa e construir e partilhar práticas educativas inovadoras.
As escolas europeias, e outras organizações com interesses comuns, devem construir parcerias estratégicas visando a troca de experiências educativas, a construção e partilha de projetos inovadores, a mobilidade de professores e de alunos, ao serviço do aumento da qualidade e da dimensão europeia da educação.
A nossa Escola está envolvida, desde 2015, em várias parcerias europeias, no seguimento dos objetivos comuns do Programa ERASMUS+.
The project joins six schools from six countries: Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Iceland, Romania, Greece. They are joined by an interest in environmental issues. They are experienced in international cooperation, in Erasmus+. All schools are of a similar character – smaller schools active in international cooperation and project work. The partner schools are extended to extreme positions of the territory of the European Union. From the north of Iceland to the ocean surrounding the Azores. From the inland position of the Czech Republic and Romania to coastal France and Greece. This offers a unique opportunity to compare their environment.
Our project deals with the idea of water, its importance, and the necessity to protect it. Our objective is to promote students’ awareness of this issue that is becoming more and more important in our life. We want to reach this objective by implementing activities focused on this topic. By working on the theme of water we will learn about it from different points of view: its characteristics, its occurrence, its importance for life, its role in the countryside, the ways to protect it, etc. We will learn the facts and work with them in a creative way.
The project will develop a positive attitude toward science, experiments, exploring.
The students will learn about the relationship between humans and nature and develop a better understanding of their personal power to influence things. The project will not include just theory but also very concrete activities helping the environment.
The other very important objective of the project is international cooperation. Children will experience cooperation and communication with people from different countries. The project will also improve communication skills in real situations. It will show the importance of the English language as an international language and raise the motivation for learning English.
Mobilities make a very important part of the project. The experience of contact with a foreign country as a guest as well as a host is irreplaceable. The meetings will take place in each partner school. Some meetings will consist of student exchanges together with teacher training events, some of them just of student exchanges. During the meetings, we will implement the project activities. Teacher training events will be focused on experiments, implementing environmental education, sharing the experience with methodology, experiencing different climates, environment, and environmental issues.
Children will have the opportunity to feel team spirit, cooperate. Even if not all pupils can take part in the student exchanges they will profit from hosting children from partner schools. The project work will increase the ICT knowledge and skills. Children will use a blog and e-Twinning for their communication. Children will experience group work, project work.
The cooperation will also involve the families and the local community in school life. It will help to fight xenophobia. It will raise tolerance through learning about other cultures.
The project will help the involved teachers not only to increase their qualifications but also to raise their motivation for work and fight against burnout.
Our Team
Coordination: Czech Republic
The main aim of this partnership is to assist in the cultural richness of Europe and to enhance pupils’ cultural awareness while improving the quality and increasing the volume of partnerships between schools in the different Member States. Generally, the participating schools would like to promote an understanding of a world beyond local communities, giving a real European dimension to their existence. The partners will have the opportunity to come closer and learn from different cultures, appreciating the differences and similarities of each country, school and the local environment. Our hope is to exchange significant experiences and accept cultural and linguistic differences.
The cultural diversity and differences among the European nations should be considered as ‘richness and beauty’.
Our Team
Coordination: Slovenia
Este projeto encontra a sua génese na necessidade cada vez mais presente de formar alunos para uma cidadania europeia ativa e crítica.
O projeto Where is Beauty (Onde está a Beleza) foca-se, assim, na ética e estética, contando com a participação de 6 escolas parceiras, oriundas da Itália – Istituto Comprensivo di Bobbio Capoluogo; Espanha – CEIP Guliena; Portugal – Escola Básica Integrada Francisco Ferreira Drummond; Noruega – Sviland skule; Bulgária – The Fourth Primary School”Ivan Vazov e Turquia – Aliaga Ortaokulu.
Acreditamos que “A Beleza vai salvar o Mundo. Vamos descobri-la e preservá-la”.
Desenvolvemos o nosso projeto em redor de seis temas principais:
A Beleza das Pessoas (PEOPLE);
A Beleza na Gastronomia (FOOD);
A Beleza na Natureza (NATURE);
A Beleza na Música (MUSIC);
A Beleza no Desporto (SPORT);
A Beleza na Arte (ART).
Consequentemente, com este projeto, pretendemos levar os alunos a descobrir a beleza dentro deles e em seu redor, explorando oportunidades, experiências e ferramentas para a sua preservação.
Definimos como principais objetivos para este projeto:
Desenvolver uma consciência mais profunda da Europa e da importância de ser um cidadão europeu ativo e responsável;
Entrar em contacto com as raízes culturais de cada país parceiro;
Descobrir diferentes belezas europeias e encontrar a maneira de preservá-las, no dia a dia, através de uma forte ética pessoal que potencia decisões que contribuem para a melhoria da sociedade europeia, pelo serviço e cuidado ao outro e à sociedade;
Compreender que decisões isoladas podem afetar a sociedade, que cada um pode contribuir para a construção de um mundo melhor;
Levar os alunos a perceber que o futuro é deles e que, por isso mesmo, têm o direito, o dever e a possibilidade de construir hoje o seu futuro tornando-se cidadãos conscientes;
Desenvolver as competências do século XXI.
A Nossa Equipa
Coordination: Italy
Mobilidades / Actividades
Nowadays, humanity faces an environmental emergency.
Climate change is unequivocal and day-by-day humans can observe visual impacts as evidence.
Our project will focus on the identification of climate change, promoting environmental protection through action. We aim to become increasingly aware of the environmental issues through STEAM activities while sealing the reconnecting with nature.
To maintain the ecosystem balance, we will try to imbue students with a sense of responsibility, as it is already too late for prevention and early intervention. The 17 goals of sustainable development will become our environmental principles, which will guide students to alter the intensification of this ecological disturbance. Students will learn to anticipate and adapt to the new conditions while cultivating their resilience and perseverance to build a sustainable future. This is a climate save moment!
Our Team
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Little Detectives 2020/2021
Little Researchers 2021/2022
LTTA 1 – Notes for a Sustainable future Portugal
Let’s learn together to start living in a sustainable way!
Sustainable living is the practice of reducing your demand for natural resources by making sure that you replace what you use to the best of your ability. Sometimes that can mean not choosing to consume a product that is made using practices that don’t promote sustainability, and sometimes it means changing how you do things so that you start becoming more of an active part of the cycle of life.
We all know that climate change, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, and resource depletion are real and their impact on human and animal lives can be devastating. It is an opportunity for people to adopt actions for sustainable living that can help them to reduce their carbon footprint or environmental impact by altering their lifestyle.
From the 21st to the 25th of March ECOMATES project had its first mobility in São Sebastião – Terceira – Azores.
Lesson plan guide
Disseminations Actions
“Children learn better when they are in a safe socio-affective climate when they relate pleasantly with parents, educators and others around them” John Bennet, UNESCO,2004.
The project Happy children’s build self-confidence through games and stories is mainly addressed to teachers who carry out learning activities in early education as well as children between the ages of 3 and 7 of our kindergarten.
The project will be implemented as part of a partnership with school organizations from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Slovenia, Portugal, with significant experience in implementing Erasmus + projects. Early education should provide a social, cultural and physical space, safe and welcoming in which children benefit from a number of possibilities to develop their potential. The project will be based around sharing first-year practices internationally, networking and collaborating to share and provide exciting and creative learning experiences to inspire and motivate children. We aim to use this project to improve children’s attitudes towards learning, well-being and creativity development through play and story, by educators. The project aims to exchange experience and best practices in tools and methods, increasing access to quality education and care of preschoolers, by adopting new tools and methods, modernizing existing ones, testing methods from one country to another.
The project activities include the organization of virtual and physical meetings, as well as mobility in each country, which will facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices between the participating organizations regarding the developments in each country regarding early education. as tools, methods and activities. applied or implemented by partners and have achieved positive results. We believe that this project will have a positive impact on all those involved, removing the barriers to learning, coping and working together and then we will use our research and experiences to disseminate the acquired knowledge, during the LLT focused on the next topic: Kindergarten makes the difference; Creativity in teaching and training and how to use games/ stories in developing children’s self -confidence; The nature of
early learning. Using resources (games/ stories) to inspire practice; Contexts and tools for developing self – esteem of children; Providing all our children with the best start for the world of tomorrow; Emotional development in young children.
Achieving the goals of this strategic partnership between schools will have an important effect on all groups involved (children, parents, teachers, the local community), because it will change the perception of the responsibility of everyone’s involvement to provide a good start in the lives of children and quality education.
Our Team
Coordination: Romania
Mobilities / Activities
“Theme for IDPD 2020: “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 World”.
The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons was proclaimed in 1992, by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights, and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.”
3rd December
In our school, we have decided to work on a story that could open-mind your students’ behaviour towards the differences. Therefore, the Erasmus Team has decided to work on ELMER – THE Elephant from David Mckee.
APRIL 2021
MAY 2021
JUNE 2021
The students from Class 7 of the 1st year visited the “Tasca dos Livros” which was today at our EB1/JI de Porto Judeu school and they requested some books with stories to celebrate World Oceans Day.
One of the stories chosen was “Clara and the Plastic Island”. This talked about the journey of a girl to the Pacific where she got to know an island made up of garbage, plastics that accumulate there from all over the planet, dragged by the sea currents. We were moved by all the environmental concerns that this story leaves us.
After the story, the students could see by searching the internet, that the story is fictional but the plastic island really exists and is a threat to the planet.
Then they illustrated the story, representing what they learned from it.
Finally, there was time for another “Billy’s Concerns” story and this one completed the last one. We discovered a Guatemalan tradition in which we can reuse materials, as you can read in the photo we left here, and the challenge to do so during the summer vacation was left.
Books really bring us a lot of knowledge.
It was a different way of remembering the concern we must have for the whole environment, in this special case for the ocean.
September 2021 - "Who's in?"
October 2021 - "O Nabo Gigante"
Code Week 2021
November 2021 "Sea's Day"
Cidades Educadoras by UNESCO
Angra do Heroísmo is an Educating City.
“The Educating City leaves no one behind” is this year’s motto. The 3rd year EB/JI class from Porto Judeu walked around the city and shared ideas about the importance of Inclusion. Students praised the good things that we already have in our city and made proposals for improvement so that the city becomes more and more inclusive.
December 2021 - "Green Santa Claus"
January 2022 - "Big friend, Small friends - Good friends"
February 2022 - The cat and Mouse want to get out
Storytelling about “The cat and the mouse want to get out”
Students listened carefully to the story and played a game outside concerning “Trust me and my friend” – The game: A fun variation on throwing and catching best played with a softball, this game helps increase reaction skills and keeps kids engaged. The premise is simple. Two or more people are playing catch. Before catching the ball, players must clap their hands together as many times as possible before making a catch. If they do, they get a point for every successful clap; if they fail to clap in time or drop the ball, they lose a point. First to 20 wins and reach the animals from the story.
March 2022 - Lecture Week
March 2022 - Parents' Day
Parents’ Day – 25th March
Our students were very confident and happy, building their wave of trust in school. Parents were invited to sports and cultural activities in Physical Education lessons, providing different tasks and activities for their children. Their happiness and joy were two essential keys to success.
"The Grandma's heart"
April 2022 Dinis, um Polvo Mais Feliz
May 2022 "Our World"
May 2022 "Mother's Day"
LTTA 1 - Sicilia Presentation: Country and School
LTTA 1 - Sicilia Dissemination Actions
LTTA 2 - Portugal Opening Ceremony
LTTA 2 - Portugal Lessons
The most important gains of using drama in education are; achieving expression of feelings in a healthy way, developing creative imagination in children, giving a chance to children to think and express themselves independently and developing children’s social awareness and cooperative consciousness.
“Novelo das Emoções” – Emotion Ball
Experiences were associated with a specific feeling.
Volcano explosions concerning different colours were selected by students.
“What Colour is a Kiss?”
A sweet and heartwarming story centred around one simple question.
Sassy and intrepid Monica loves to paint with a rainbow of colours. One day she wonders, “What colour is a kiss?” She paints items and animals she knows in every colour she can think of, hoping to discover the answer. Monica sees her world in every colour of the rainbow, but this question nags at her. She paints and paints, hoping to discover the answer. Charming text and vibrant illustrations help Monica and her mother demonstrate that love comes in any and every color.
Outdoor Activities
Heading 2
September 2022 Opening
October Erasmus Days
November LTTA C3 - Slovenia
The Woodcutter Story
Story’s presentation using a book, previously made and printed by the team;
Reflection mode concerning the story topic: the true wish;
Performing Yoga positions concerning the story and the characters;
Building a pot of calm using glitter, glue and water.
Collaborative activity and display
European Week for Waste Reduction
The teachers brought with them products that they had made with the children in their groups a week earlier. They showed us the production process, and we displayed the products on the notice board in the lobby of the kindergarten and in the hallway of the kindergarten. The exhibition was viewed by children, parents and kindergarten teachers. We designed a Padlet with examples of good practice and published it online.
Forest pedagogy
In Kindergarten Ledina, we follow the concept of forest pedagogy. We have work meetings for kindergarten teachers, where we exchange experiences and ideas, we have a forest cabinet where we can borrow didactic games, and we go to the forest with the children at least once a week in all weather conditions.
We presented the concept of forest pedagogy at the mobility in Slovenia, and teachers from the participating countries played a game with children in the forest.
Some more informations about forest pedagogy and examples of good practice:
The project, addressed under a multidisciplinary perspective wants to highlight a range of professional options that may fit the students’ different needs, competences and interests. We want the students to come to know: – Their own habitat, its resources and the looming threats so that they can develop an ecological behaviour, a concern about biodiversity, environmental disputes and local policies. – Their own culture: a traditional knowledge of sustainable productive practices and the language uses associated to these practices. – New enterprises, contacting local business initiatives, innovative cooperative modes, examples of best practices in the rational use of resources and / or social benefits contribution.
Our Team
Mobilities / Activities
TPM 1 - Greece - October 2021
Activitie "Fruits of the Earth"
LTTA 1 - Spain - March 2022
LTTA 2 - Romania - May 2022
Activitie - World Environment Day Celebration 2022
LTTA 3 - Greece - October 2022
LTTA 4 - Portugal - March 2023
LTTA 5 - Poland - May 2023